
People you recruit to participate in your field work and observations can be brought into your EthnoHub project as participants.

This is most useful to have them keep a form of diary, with text and/or images. Everything your participants enter into the system is collected as project data.


For a given group of participants, your researchers can create a collection of prompts that will be delivered via email and the website. Think of these prompts as questions, encouragements to create additional diary entries, or tasks to be completed. Each prompt can be either instantly delivered, scheduled for the future, or part of a sequence linked to the flow of diary entries.


When inviting someone to be a participant, you can set EthnoHub to require that they consent to the terms of an agreement form. This is useful to cover such issues as a release and compensation form, NDA, etc. all in one online screen interaction. When they signify consent, a copy of the agreement is instantly emailed to the participant and to your lead researcher. You define your own agreement form, using simple tokens to insert legally required elements, such as full participant name, residential address, compensation amount, and the date of consent.