
Clue: an observation made in relation to some project data. There can be many clues found in and attached to each piece of data. Clues don't stand on their own, they are always grounded in particular data items.

Data: some text (and photos) to capture user stories, participant activities, and fieldwork sessions. For instance: diary entries self-reported by participants; debrief notes (observations, anecdotes, stories, context research) entered by field researchers.

Finding: an emerging pattern, rooted in and understood from clues and tags. Each finding can reference clues and tags as evidence, and may describe related pain points. Findings can be graded according to their stage of analysis and level of confidence.

Participant: a person who can enter data (diary entries) in response to prompts or spontaneously.

Researcher: a person who can create and manage a project; enter debrief notes; add and prompt participants; create and code clues;  write up findings; and invite clients to view a project.

Session: each participant diary constitues one session. Researchers collect their debrief notes in sessions, e.g. a particular interview, fieldwork session, or a cultural inventory.

Tag: used to code and sort clues.